Journal News


Journal News


Call for editors

The International Feminist Journal of Politics seeks applications from a team of scholars interested in taking up the editorship of the journal from January 2026 to December 2029. IFJP was launched in 1999 and publishes original scholarship engaging with topics at the intersections of international/transnational/global politics and feminist/gender/queer studies. The journal has long sought to broaden debates in international studies and increasingly to decenter feminist scholarship by inviting and engaging with conversations beyond the Northern Anglosphere.

IFJP publishes five issues per year with articles focusing on a broad range of feminist topics in international and global studies. The important editorial qualities we seek are a high level of commitment to collaborative journal work, a dedication to diversifying the scholarship the journal publishes, the best standards of peer-reviewed publishing, along with significant achievements in feminist scholarship. We particularly welcome applications from scholars working with decolonial perspectives and critical of hegemonic epistemes.

While applicants may propose their preferred structure of the Editorial Collective, the sheer quantity of work involved in editing the journal makes it advisable to work in a team. Historically, IFJP has operated with three to six main editors who are located at different institutions and on different continents. Currently, it has six main editors who work with two Conversations, two book review, and three digital media editors (see the current editorial team). The journal is supported by a subvention from Taylor & Francis (T&F), the publisher and owner of the title, in the amount of GBP 42,000 per annum. Traditionally, the editors have used these funds to hire a managing editor and cover other costs associated with editing the journal.*

The work of the editorial team is also assisted by an Editorial Board of about 60 distinguished scholars. Their term ends with that of the current editorial team, but all or some of them may be reappointed by the new team in order to maintain a continuity.

The teams of interested scholars should submit their application no later than December 30, 2024. The application package, which should be submitted as a single pdf document, should include:

  1. a brief statement of the team’s vision for the journal and how it would seek to advance this vision (no more 1,500 words);

  2. a one-page description of each team member, specifying their editorial role, what has prepared them for that role, and how they may help to advance the vision;

  3. a statement on the plans for other editorial posts (book, conversation and digital editors), as well as the Editorial Board, with some potential names;

  4. an institutional support statement; and

  5. CVs of the team members.

The institutional support statement should specify all institutional support that will be extended to the team members by their institution, including time allowance for journal work, student assistance, and any financial contribution (in addition to those provided by the publisher). While the availability of additional resources is recommended, it is not required nor will it override the search committee’s considerations of academic excellence, positionality, and international representation.

An international selection committee composed of three current members of the journal’s Editorial Board will review all proposals and make the appointment by June 2025.

Prospective applicants who wish to have informal discussions with the current Editors-in-Chief are welcome to contact the designated three editors via email: Elisabeth Prügl (; Marysia Zalewski (; Amy Lind (

All applications should be submitted electronically to the International Feminist Journal of Politics at by December 30, 2024.

* IFJP is in the process of setting up an association, which can receive funds from T&F, and the new editors are free to avail themselves of this option (which may be preferable to running funds through universities or other home institutions.)

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