Scott Weiner explores the relationship between objectification and patriarchy which may be less clear than it appears at first glance
Read MoreKarin A. C. Johnson and Magali N. Alloatti look at samba dance, an activity historically oriented toward gender segregated jobs in the lower echelons of the host labor market.
Read MoreCladia Brunner takes a closer look at various sexed-gendered positions in the discursive and cognitive processes of legitimating military interventions abroad and political violence at home.
Read MoreCatriona Standfield seeks to “de-mythologize” UN mediation by uncovering its assumptions and examining their implications for addressing gendered injustice.
Read MoreCeleste Koens and Samanthi J. Gunawardi revisit the global interest in the political identities and agency of Sri Lankan Tamil women in the late 20th century.
Read MoreJulia Sachseder draws on extensive ethnographic research in in Colombia to shed light on structural forces that have rendered possible, yet invisible overt and structural violence.
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